User Recognition even before the login to load E-Mails into the cache for immediate use after the login
6 month
Indirectly. The cookie contains a unique random value without actual meaning.
Using this value (and only can identify a customer.
User's own interest for a responsive webmail service.
Display of advertisement for FreeMail customers, no advertisement for premium customers
6 month
No, only the values "free" oder "premium" are contained
Delivery of advertisement for FreeMail customers, refinancing the service
Storage of the chosen language, to render the website in the customer's preferred language even without being logged in
30 days
No, only the locale ist stored (fe.: de_DE, en_GB)
Storage of the customer's language settings. Without this cookie the language of the website may change on every new visit
Tracking of the acknowledgement of the “Cookie Disclaimer” (EU Cookie Consent)
1 year
No, the cookie only contains the version number of the acknowledged disclaimer.
Informing the user about the “EU cookie directive” via the “cookie-banner”. Required for ad-delivery (refinancing of our FreeMail-Service).
Tracking a customer's consent to the use of cookies by IAB affiliated advertisers on our websites
13 month
No, since only the chosen preferences are stored. This information does not allow for identification of a user.
The information is required to fulfill the customers preferences.
Tracking a customer's consent to the use of cookies by
13 month
No, since only the chosen preferences are stored. This information does not allow for identification of a user.
The information is required to fulfill the customers preferences.
Speicherung der Zustimmung zur Verwendung von Cookies durch Werbetreibende die nicht der IAB angehören.
13 month
No, since only the chosen preferences are stored. This information does not allow for identification of a user.
The information is required to fulfill the customers preferences.
Zwischenspeicherung der Information ob der Nutzer aus dem europäischen Wirtschaftsraum.
48 hours
No, only the value "true" or "false" is stored.
The information is used for quicker detection whether the EU-directives apply and saves processing time on the users device.
Storage of the chosen design of the login page
1 year
No, only the number of the chosen design is stored ()
Some customers prefer to pick a consistent design over the default rotation. This cookie enables them to do so.