We reduce your digital CO2 footprint...

For every customer of our three premium packages PlusMail, ProMail and PowerMail, mail.de plants one / two / three trees against climate change in cooperation with the "Stiftung Naturschutz in Schleswig-Holstein". Only native tree species are planted. Together we create new virgin forests where the trees can grow undisturbed and their wood is not used.

We have deliberately chosen local support so that we can experience the reforestation projects directly on site. This brings more healthy forest for Schleswig-Holstein.

With a membership of our premium packages, you automatically reduce your digital CO2 footprint - without any additional costs or effort.

Let's get active together and do good for the climate!

More about natural forests

Reduce your digital CO2 footprint

Plant trees and do good*
*The trees are planted regionally exclusively for the e-mail packages "PlusMail, ProMail and PowerMail". The FreeMail package or special packages are excluded from this campaign for economic reasons. If you want to do something good for the climate, switch to one of the three e-mail packages!

Did you know that four trees equal
your annual CO2 consumption?

Over the course of 100 years, a tree filters about three tonnes of CO2. This means that four planted trees can compensate for the average CO2 footprint. In our premium e-mail package "PowerMail", three native trees are automatically planted in the region every year. You can make further donations to our "mailforfuture climate fund", which we have set up especially for this purpose, at any time via a donation button. We will then use these donations to plant further trees.

Just four trees will offset your annual CO2 consumption.

tree spruce

A 100-year-old spruce tree
filters in the course of its life
about 2.6 tons of CO2

tree beech

A 120-year-old beech tree
filters in the course of its life
about 3.6 tonnes of CO2

tree oak

A 100-year-old oak tree
filters in the course of its life
about 5 tonnes of CO2

Let's create the virgin forests of tomorrow and do good for the climate!

Plant trees and do good*
*The trees are planted regionally exclusively for the e-mail packages "PlusMail, ProMail and PowerMail". The FreeMail package or special packages are excluded from this campaign for economic reasons. If you want to do something good for the climate, switch to one of the three e-mail packages!

Current climate protection projects


Valley of the Kükelühner Mühlenau

Area size: 0,5 hectares
Initial condition: Field
Objectives: Die Fläche liegt bei „Farve“, südlich von Weißenhaus, im Kreis Ostholstein. Sie grenzt unmittelbar an das Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Gebiet "Tal der Kükelühner Mühlenau" "DE 1730-326".
Ziel des FFH-Gebietes (Fauna-Flora-Habitatrichtlinie) ist die Erhaltung eines teilweise in schluchtartigen Geländeeinschnitten verlaufenden Baches mit abschnittsweise ungestörtem Verlauf sowie angrenzenden Waldflächen. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind u.a. die Schlucht und Hangmischwälder.
Hier konnte, angrenzend an einen Nebenlauf der Kükelühner Mühlenau, ein zu diesem Bachtälchen abfallende Ackerfläche erworben werden.
Die Ackerfläche wird aus der intensiven landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung herausgenommen und trägt damit zur Reduzierung von Einträgen aus Pestiziden und Düngemitteln bei.
Durch die Waldbildung wird der den Bachlauf begleitende vorhandene Gehölzstreifen um ca. 50 Meter verbreitert und kann sich zu einem artenreichen Hangwald entwickeln. Gepflanzt werden 1.000 standorttypische und heimische Gehölze.
Die Verbreiterung des Gehölzstreifens und der Verzicht auf den Einsatz von Pestiziden und Düngemitteln dient nicht nur dem Gewässerschutz, sondern durch die langfristige Bindung von CO2 in dem künftigen Wald auch dem biologischen Klimaschutz. Hier wird künftig, nach der Pflanzung und dem Schutz vor Verbiss durch einen Wildschutzzaun in den ersten Jahren, keine Bewirtschaftung stattfinden und alle Entwicklungsprozesse ungestört ablaufen.

Valley of the Langballigau

Area size: 1,8 hectares
Initial condition: Field
Objectives: In the nature reserve "Valley of the Langballigau" and the FFH area DE 1123-391 "Coastal areas of the Flenburger Förde from Flensburg to Geltinger Birk", it was possible to acquire farmland through which the Langballigau flows.
The development objective is the regeneration of the entire valley area including the slope areas, including the development of near-natural forest stands on the valley slopes and the restoration of near-natural habitats. The acquired areas will be taken out of agricultural use and led into forest development. For this purpose, the areas are to be initially planted with woody plants and protected from browsing by a game fence during the growth period. A mixed deciduous forest will be planted, with a colourful mix of oaks, elms, limes and beeches of about 3,000 to 4,000 trees and shrubs from about 15 different species of woody plants. All of them are not only from native species, they have been grown from seeds from the region of origin of the project area in specialised tree nurseries.
An area of land belonging to the Foundation for Nature Conservation adjoining to the north is also to be planted. In addition to reducing sediment loads and the input of pesticides and fertilisers into the valley and the watercourse, the conversion of the arable land into near-natural forest stands also primarily serves biological climate protection through its increased CO2 storage capacity.

Support our climate projects directly

Plant trees and do good*
*The trees are planted regionally exclusively for the e-mail packages "PlusMail, ProMail and PowerMail". The FreeMail package or special packages are excluded from this campaign for economic reasons. If you want to do something good for the climate, switch to one of the three e-mail packages!

Our partner in the field of climate protection:
The Foundation for Nature Conservation in

Stiftung Naturschutz Partner

We see ourselves as a specialist for innovative, serious and secure communication. When it comes to nature and climate protection, we rely on an experienced, regional partner that has been successfully working for nature for over four decades. After 42 years, the foundation's land across the state covers more than 38,000 hectares, where many rare plants and animals have once again found a safe home in Schleswig-Holstein. Intact mixed forests - or even better, primeval forests - both are in the repertoire of the Schleswig-Holstein Foundation for Nature Conservation, but "wild pastures", "flowering meadows" as well as activities for the preservation of moor landscapes are also part of the foundation's diverse climate protection projects, which is why we see our cooperation with the foundation as the ideal partner for many other projects.

Learn more


We have been committed to the sustainable operation of our email service for years. For example, our server architecture is powered by 100% green electricity.

In our business premises, we only use green electricity as well as ecologically high-quality wind gas (green hydrogen) from the provider Green Planet Energy (previously Greenpeace Energy).

Efficient software development and the use of energy-efficient hardware have rounded off our efforts in recent years, and an annual environmental and transparency report gives you a small overview of our CO2 footprint. But that's not enough for us: we are taking the next step and want to become even more climate-neutral and help you, our customers, to reduce your CO2 footprint. For this reason, we plant trees to compensate for every customer who uses one of our premium email packages.

Why this step? For us, this step is the logical consequence and continuation of our endeavour for more near-sustainability. The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. We all have to take responsibility for the solution and we would like to make an active contribution.

Help us save the climate

Plant trees and do good*
*The trees are planted regionally exclusively for the e-mail packages "PlusMail, ProMail and PowerMail". The FreeMail package or special packages are excluded from this campaign for economic reasons. If you want to do something good for the climate, switch to one of the three e-mail packages!
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