You are welcome to log in via the homepage at or via third-party e-mail programmes such as Outlook, Thunderbird or AppleMail. To get started, we recommend registering and setting up via our website
For mobile use on a smartphone or tablet, we recommend the Mail App for iOS or Android.
App for iOS
App for Android
We offer you a practical set-up wizard directly after your first registration via our website This wizard guides you through various topics and helps you to import e-mails or contacts from other e-mail accounts. This guides you through various topics and helps you to import e-mails or contacts from other e-mail inboxes.
We only allow strong passwords in our registration for your new email account. A secure password consists of at least eight characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, $# *-_.:,;()[]{}/&!?). For your own security, we recommend using numbers, special characters and both upper and lower case letters.
For mobile use on a smartphone or tablet, we recommend the Mail App for iOS or Android.
App für iOS
App für Android
You are using the free version of our e-mail service. Unfortunately, a free product cannot be offered permanently without advertising.
You can upgrade to one of our ad-free, paid email packages at any time.
Our premium produkts
We recommend using two-factor authentication. You protect against unauthorised access by using a secure password and additionally with the two-factor authentication.
The Authenticator
Furthermore, you can define an "individual user name" instead of the e-mail address for the login. This means that you can no longer log in to your e-mail account using your e-mail address and password.
Login & Password
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